Lifestyle Changes That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

Hypertension or what is medically known as hypertension affects millions of Americans. In fact, approximately 80 million people in the United States suffer from high blood pressure and what is more terrifying is the fact that some of these people are not even aware that they have high blood pressure. That’s why hypertension has become known as the silent killer because unless you get your blood pressure checked regularly, you have no way of knowing you already have it until it’s gone. already too high on the stairs.
Hypertension is often manifested by headaches, dizziness and nosebleeds. Some people will also experience neck pain when they wake up in the morning. Hypertension is not really fatal in itself because it is not a disease.Your blood pressure level, however, is a risk factor for heart disease and will increase your susceptibility to heart attacks. This is especially true for people over 35 and those much older.
Because it is a condition, not a disease, people can do a lot to prevent hypertension from developing. Most doctors recommend a change in diet and a major change in lifestyle.
Diet is perhaps the single biggest lifestyle change people should consider when dealing with high blood pressure. Excess consumption of fatty foods that are difficult to digest can cause many problems. Obese people are also more likely to develop hypertension, not only because of the fat content in their body, but also because of the constriction these fats produce in the body.This constriction can affect blood circulation and heart function, which can lead to a full-blown heart attack.
Another advice doctors give to people concerned about their blood pressure is to follow a regular exercise regimen that helps lower blood pressure. Activities such as running and jogging, cycling and swimming, and other sports can lower blood pressure. Doctors recommend people to exercise and play these sports for about 30-45 minutes a day and they will see their blood pressure drop significantly.
Alcohol, for example, increases the prevalence of hypertension when consumed in excess. The term excess here will refer to more than two drinks per day. Studies have in fact shown a direct relationship between these two factors when consumption exceeds five glasses per day.A drink here refers to a box of beer, a glass of wine or a jigger liquor.In one study, it was found that five cups of coffee a day can slightly increase blood pressure. The combination of drinking coffee and smoking further increases the risk.