7 essential oils used in Ayurvedic massages

Abhyanga is one of the most popular pain-relief ayurvedic treatment in the world. Renowned ayurvedic centres in dubai use pure and safe natural oils during massage treatments. You will not suffer from pain during massage since it is done by experienced masseurs.

Reputed ayurvedic centres in dubai follow plenty of safety protocols like spraying sanitizers and hand wash. You will undergo panchakarma or abhyanga massage in a separate air-conditioned room. The masseur will apply seven different herbal oils on your body and apply pressure gently on painful areas. Some of the oils used during the treatment procedure are listed below.

  • Mahanarayana oil
  • Ashwagandha oil
  • Vata oil
  • Bhringaraj oil
  • Neem oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Coconut oil

You will feel relaxed and comfortable during the entire procedure. Human body has vata, pitta and kapha nadi and if one or more becomes weak, the diseases will start attacking it. Males should wear only trousers and female should wear the gowns during the massage.

You must choose only licensed, registered and established Ayurvedic massage treatment centers in Dubai. The ayurvedic physicians and therapists will scrutinize your medical records before starting the massage therapy. You can stay awake or keep your eyes closed during the treatment.